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Confluence Philanthropy
Dana Lanza, CEO
T: 212-812-4367
Based in the United States

Confluence Philanthropy


Confluence has four strategic goals:

1. To accelerate the field of mission-related investing by fostering systemic thinking, effective cross-sectoral partnerships; and creating a space for philanthropic innovation to emerge;

2. To build a network of practice and philanthropic leadership in mission-related investing through education, outreach, and peer-to-peer learning;

3. To increase the capacity of foundations and donors to practice mission-related investing by providing technical assistance;

4. To provide our members a strong organization, with the capacity to effectively advance Confluence Philanthropy's mission and goals.


Confluence Philanthropy was launched in 2009 as a special project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. The founding advisory board was composed of leaders from within the environmental grantmaking community who believe that foundations and non-profit organizations can play a critical role in the transition to a just and sustainable 'new economy'. We are a philanthropic affinity group designed to meet the complex challenges related to aligning mission and investing. In addition to learning and strategic networking, Confluence provides capacity building assistance to foundations and donors committed to mission-related investing. Through the generous support of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Confluence Philanthropy Inc. has been recognized as an independent, non-profit corporation since July 2010. We are housed within The Rockefeller Brothers Fund in New York City.

What Makes Us Different:

We believe that foundations and other charitable and educational organizations have a unique and important role to play in developing a sustainable and just economy. Foundations are mandated to spend a minimum of 5% of their assets annually on grantmaking, while prudently investing the other 95% of the endowment. However, those Foundations and donors hungry for change are working together to create innovative ways to leverage the '95%' through mission-related investing, while non-profits are adopting investment strategies to further social and environmental causes. A wide variety of mission-related investing tools are available including community-banking, proxy voting, shareholder advocacy, screened investments, program related investments, pension plans, and guarantees. We support mission-related investing vehicles that impact the environment and communities with sincere consideration to environmental, social, and governance issues. We strive to stay at the cutting edge of this developing field.

More info:

Confluence Philanthropy is a non-profit network of over 200 private, public, and community foundations. We build capacity and provide technical assistance to enhance the ability of foundations to align the management of assets with organizational mission to promote environmental sustainability and social justice. Confluence is a recognized affinity group of the Council on Foundations. We are supported by our members, and work hard to stay at the cutting edge in the developing field of Mission-Related Investing.

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