
Jessie Spector, Executive Director
T: 413-250-6666
Based in the United States
Chapters throughout the United States
: 415-713-4942
: 206-407-5591
: 507-301-8688 |
Resource GenerationMission: Resource Generation organizes young people with wealth and class privilege to leverage resources for social change. Brief: RG started in the late 90s by a group of young activists who had money, and needed a place to figure out how to bring the entirety of themselves - their activism and skills, and their resources - to social change. They were united by a common issue, and needed a community of people in similar situations to speak honestly and openly about their situations, in a culture where talking frankly about money is often tabooed. | What Makes Us Different: | RG is specifically for young people - ages 18-35. We are also explicitly politically progressive - we believe there is great racial and economic disparity in the world and as people with access to wealth we are in a unique position to work for redistribution of resources, by doing it directly ourselves, influencing our networks, and advocating for policy and other structural changes. RG combines community-building, personal, emotional, and family work, political education, campaigns and partnerships -- all leading towards taking action within these spheres of our lives, whether than means having honest conversations with our parents about money, or making a plan to give away our un-earned wealth. | Inspirational Stories: | This experience has helped me to become clearer on goals, desires, and visions for the present and the future, and both for myself, and for my family as a whole. It has brought me to new understanding about my own privilege and the privilege of others and has allowed me to talk openly about privilege in a way that was not possible for me before. I also feel a renewed desire to work for social and economic change, and has given me food for inspiration. Owning my own power and privilege as a woman, person of color, and person of great privilege is now very clearly in sight as a reachable goal"
"It's changed my political views tremendously, and has made me feel much more connected to my local community and country. I've had numerous conversations now with my partner about giving, and we are shifting together to spread our giving in a way that can help out organizations with a social mission in addition to our faith community" | Success Stories: | RG has partnered with Confluence Philanthropy for two years on the Next Gen Fellowship For Mission-Related Investing - a yearlong fellowship for 10-12 young people wanting to move their and their families' resources into more mission-related and socially-responsible investing. Over the past two years, RG members have moved at least $100,000,000 out of corporate stocks and banks and into more sustainable solutions. In addition, the Next Gen Fellows have two in-person meetings and monthly support group conference calls wherein they get to support and challenge each other to keep moving on the goals they have set and the struggles that arise when attempting to shift practices within one's family and foundation.
Our Local Chapter in Seattle partnered with Social Justice Fund Northwest and piloted a cross-class giving circle, wherein RG members alongside people from a variety of class backgrounds participated in several educational and community-building workshops together, and collectively pooled resources (with everyone making a personally significant donation; some non-wealthy people giving $20 and some RG members giving their biggest donations ever at $20,000). Two years later this is now Social Justice Fund's primary mode of distributing grants, with 6 giving circles in operation, and RG members continuing to cycle through. |
Bolder Giving does not endorse any specific Giving Community and provides this listing for information only.